Known issues

Known issues

Cloud-to-cloud migration is now available on all Jira Cloud sites

For the latest guidance on performing a cloud-to-cloud migration, visit the new support documentation. This EAP documentation will be archived on May 31, 2022.

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This page lists bugs that are known and are being investigated by the team. We will update this page as bugs are addressed, resolved, or when new bugs are reported.

Known issues

Known issues

Continue with public access doesn’t resolve errors (MIG-648) investigating

This bug occurs when proceeding to Continue with public access for a project from the Check for conflicts screen. After confirming, unresolved errors and warnings remain on the Review migration screen. Clicking View errors and warnings will return the user to the public access warning. On the migration dashboard, the progress of this migration will show Some checks failed.

Incorrect number of issues is shown during project selection (MIG-650) investigating

This bug occurs when an issue is added to a project after a migration has been saved. The number of issues in that project doesn't update correctly in the table on the project selection screen.


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